Daughters of the King

Daughters of the King is an order for women who are communicants of the Episcopal Church as well as churches in communion with it. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, our vision as Daughters of the King is to know Jesus Christ, to make Him known to others, and to become reflections of God’s love throughout the world. Because Daughters of the King accept a Rule of Life, we define ourselves as an order, not an organization. After a period of study, we take lifetime vows of prayer and service. And through our relationship with Christ, we strive to reach out to others both by loving acts and by joyously proclaiming our faith.
Our emblem is the cross we wear daily, inscribed in Latin, which when translated means “With Heart, mind and spirit, uphold and bear the cross.” We wear the cross as an outward and visible sign that we cannot live a day without Christ. It reminds us of our commitment to Him and to His church. It also reminds us of the bond we have with our sisters in the Order.
St. Anne Chapter of Daughters of the King at St. Mark’s has served the clergy and parish for over 85 years. Daughters of the King at St. Mark’s originally supported the clergy with altar duty. Altar Ministry remains an important service for many (but not all) of the Daughters.
DOK Wedding Ministry coordinates the use of the church for all weddings, guiding and supporting the wedding party and representing the church in its use and care. DOK Funeral Reception Ministry, following funeral services, offers a lovely reception for family and friends. Another way DOK is present includes supporting the decorating of the church for the Christmas, Lenten and Easter Seasons.
We are engaged in active prayer as part of our ministry (keeping the church prayer list in mind along with our own prayer requests). As individuals, we are strengthened through the discipline of a Rule of Life and supported through the companionship of our sisters.
We meet once a month to work, learn, and pray together. You need not be a member to attend our meetings. If you would like to visit, have questions, or are interested in being a part of a community within the larger community of St. Mark’s with whom to share your spiritual journey, please contact President, Beth Quoss at (630) 319-7812.