All Are Welcome to Join Us!
Thank you for wanting to get to know St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Glen Ellyn. We at St. Mark’s are always here to extend a hand and lend an ear.
Here at St. Mark’s, we are Rooted in Baptism, Growing in Faith and Reaching out into the World.

Sunday Worship
We offer thee services for Sunday worship.
8:30 AM
The service is a Rite II Eucharist with music offered by a variety of instrumentalists and a closing hymn. This service is quiet and contemplative. Following this service is a brief coffee ‘moment’ in the narthex.
10:30 AM
A Rite II choral Eucharist, with traditional music throughout. Musical leadership comes from the Adult Choir and guest instrumentalists. A coffee hour in Mahon Hall follows the service, to offer a time of fellowship.
1:00 PM
A Rite II Eucharist in Spanish–“misa en Español” with music accompanied by piano and guitar. A bilingual Spanish/English bulletin enables both Spanish and English speakers to participate fully in worship. As with other worship services at St. Mark’s, the gathering is multi-generational and multi-cultural.
At every service, all are welcome to receive Holy Communion, including young children.
Childcare and Sunday School

Available for infants to 3 year olds during the 8:30 am, 10:30 am and 1:00 pm services. It is staffed each week by Ms. Norma Cid, our nursery coordinator, who has been with us for over 17 years. We also have a group of parish volunteers who assist Ms. Norma each week. The nursery is found on the lower level of the education wing, room 112.

Sunday School
Our children learn the stories of the Christian faith in an atmosphere of love and safety, utilizing the Episcopal Church’s Weaving God’s Promises curriculum. This is an online curriculum will various activities to meet different aged children.
At 8:30 am, the Pre-K through 5th Grade will meet with Miss Gina for Godly Play.
At 10:30 am, we have Play & Pray Pre-K for preschool aged children, Godly Play for Kindergarten through 2nd grade aged children, and Faith Builders for 3rd through 5th grade aged children.
At 1:00 pm, we have the nursery (ages 0-3) starting at 12:30 pm, Godly Play for First Communion Classes at 12:30 pm, and youth (ages 6-12) in Lehman Parlor at 12:30 pm for confirmation classes.
Classes meet every Sunday, beginning in early September and ending mid-May. Children are grouped according to their school grade level and are led by teams of dedicated teachers. Newcomers are welcome to join at any time. Classes are located on both levels of the Education Wing.
- Children whose parents worship at 8:30 am will be escorted to the sanctuary at 9:00 am to join their parents.
- Children whose parents worship at 10:30 am will be escorted to the sanctuary at 11:00 am to rejoin their parents.
- Children whose parents worship at 1:00 pm will be escorted to the sanctuary at 1:30 pm to rejoin their parents.
We have an east parking lot off of Main Street/Phillips Avenue and a west parking lot off of Hillside Avenue. There is also street parking along Phillips Avenue.
Get Involved
When you know which Sunday you’re able to attend, please reach out to assure that you are greeted and shown where to go. They are also happy to answer any additional questions you might have. Looking to get involved?