Children's Ministry
Worship is central to our existence as a parish and anchors our relationship with God and one another. We welcome children to all our worship services, and we also offer age-appropriate care and ministries for young children every Sunday of the year.
We are creatures of habit, and children are no different from adults in needing to establish a routine and understanding of what should and should not occur during worship. The sounds of young children in worship are a welcome sign that St. Mark’s is doing its part for future generations.

Sunday School
St. Mark's Children's Ministry 2024 - 2025
Worship at 9:00 am, 10:30 am, & 1:00 pm (Spanish language)
Sunday School Programs
All Services - Little Blessings Nursery - ages 0 through 3
9:00 am: Godly Play - ages Pre-K through 5th grade
10:30 am: Play & Pray Preschool - ages 3 through 5
Godly Play - ages K through 2nd grade
Faith Builders - ages 3rd through 5th grade
12:00 pm: Combined Sunday School & First Communion - ages K through 5th grade
Program Year: September 8 through May 18
(No Sunday School on 11/24, 12/22, 12/29, 3/30, & 5/4--First Communion)
Registration is preferred to prepare for our students, but ALL are always welcome!
To register your child, or if you have any questions, contact Gina Wood, Director of Children's Ministry.

Service rounds out St. Mark’s vision of faith formation. We believe that service transforms the helpers as well as those we serve. Recent service projects have included
- Participating in the annual Trick or Treat for UNICEF and United Thank Offering drives
- Collecting backpacks and school supplies for Holy Family School in Chicago
- Collecting coloring books and crayons for Lurie’s Children’s Hospital during the St. Nicholas celebration
Educational Offerings
Vacation Bible School
Worship, Education and Service come together annually in our week long Vacation Bible School program. This perennial favorite offers time for Bible stories, skits, crafts, games, mission collections, music and dancing. We welcome children ages four to incoming 5th graders from St. Mark’s as well as the community. High school and middle school youth assist as leaders for the younger children.

The Annual Christmas Pageant
The Christmas story comes to life as the children bring its message to worship on the Fourth Sunday in Advent during the 10:30 am service. Rehearsals take place in early December.

Children’s Choir
The St. Mark’s Children’s Choir is comprised of boys and girls in grades 1st through 5th.
- Sings once a month at the 9 am service
- Rehearses weekly, Wednesdays at 4:30 – 5:15 pm.
- Joins the other choirs for major festivals around Christmas and Easter.
Childcare Protocol
St. Mark’s is a very visible and centrally located church with lots of entries. On Sundays all entrances are unlocked from 7:00 am – 3:00 pm. While we are welcoming of all people, our primary responsibility is safety for anyone in the building, especially our children.
We follow the guidelines in Safe Church, Safe Communities.
Children age 11 and younger must be under direct supervision at all times. During classes and activities sponsored by the church, the Safe Church, Safe Communities procedures require two persons over the age of 18 to be in charge. These individuals also have to complete and pass a background check. Outside of those classes or activities, a child 11 and younger must be with any family member 12 years old or older.
Parents, please direct your children age 11 and younger to stay with a teacher/leader until you are reunited. Most children join parents in church, but if your child needs to come to a classroom or nursery, instruct your child to stay with the leader/teacher assigned.
To learn more about Safe Church, Safe Communities, please go to https://www.episcopalchurch.org/safe-church/.